Whether you need one or you need more, we cater to both the individual consumer or restoration shops that rebuild cars and trucks. Once you have utilized our services and have experienced our products you will surely be back. With Hampton Clusters, you will get nothing but the best every time. That is ok, if you need to go that route we can help you with a custom gauge panel also. Sometimes though the standard gauges may not work with the gauge panels you currently have. GlowShift offers gauge clusters for different types of tuners, domestics, and more. Each gauge cluster is made from premium quality ABS plastic, and can also be painted using ABS plastic paint. You can add ultra-bright LED GlowShift Gauges that will be positioned on either side of the instrument panel for a customized dash.
#Custom guage clusters upgrade
Our clusters are a great option for those who want to upgrade their current cluster or stock cluster. These cluster bezel pods hold (2) 2-1/16 (52mm) gauges which will enhance your factory gauge cluster. You will just have to be the one to choose which one is the one for you. Since we have been in the business so long, if you are stuck as to what to select for a cluster or cluster layout, let us know we can help you come up with some great options. Clusters are an important part to a car and they are something that everyone notices first in a car. We will sit down with you to make sure that the design and materials are selected that you want. We will make sure you get the custom crafted custom cluster you are looking for. However, we handle others too! All you have to do is call us and let us know what you want. We do handle a lot of chevy clusters, gauges, and panels. We are a custom manufacturer with 13 years experience in Hampstead, NC. We here at Hampton Engineering offer precision custom cluster. If you are looking for a precision gauge cluster you are in luck because you are on the page of the best place to get what you need. Castings are made in California, panels are machined in North Carolina and California, chrome plating is done in Tennessee, and gauges are made in Illinois. Hampton engineering gauge cluster are made in the USA.